European energy crisis and how history repeats itself: Losses are borne by consumers while profits are retained by utilities

In mid-2011, TelDaFax, the former largest independent energy provider in Germany, filed for insolvency and attracted media attention. Just two years after this case, electricity provider Flexstrom AG and its subsidiaries OptimalGrün and Löwenzahn Energie made negative headlines in newspapers, leaving open claims of EUR 570 million after their bankruptcy. We are now in 2022 and it seems that the situation on a retail level didn’t change a lot… // Balkan Green Energy News, 02/2022

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Tri moguca modela za KAP

U Evropi je došlo do poremećaja i nesaglasnosti između cijene električne energije i cijene aluminijuma, koja je indeksirana na međunarodnoj LME berzi (London Metal Exchnage). Glavni razlozi za to su porast cijene emisijskih jedinica (EUA) ugljen-dioksida (CO2) na rekordnih 90 €/toni, a kao odgovor na to i veća potražnja i nestaštica prirodnog gasa u Evopi, čija cijena takođe dostiže rekordni nivo. // Dnevne novine “VIJESTI”, 12/2021

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Development of the South-East European Electricity Market

One of the main problems in South-East Europe is the existence of many relatively small local segmented markets. In some of them, such as Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia, a high-concentration of generation units still belonging to state-owned companies can be observed. // Energetika.NET Issue No.19

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How to make energy storage projects bankable

A battery storage system could be of interest for TSOs when it comes to provision of the specific services, such as enhanced frequency response and damping of low-frequency system oscillations. On the side of DSOs those valuable services would include voltage stability, but also demand shaving and congestion relief, deferring expensive investments. // Energy Storage Forum, 02/2018

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More income from the energy transits

Article about the advantages that the new 400 kV Podgorica 2 – Tirana over-head transmission line will bring to the region of South-East Europe, especially Montenegro // Dnevne novine “DAN”, 07/2007

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